I am so beyond excited to announce my second virtual wellness retreat with you all! This has been a long time coming since my last successful virtual wellness retreat at the end of January. If you were thinking about joining last time but didn't commit, now is your time to sign up and dedicate this time to yourself. Click here to claim your spot.
If this is your first time hearing about it I am so stoked you are here and reading about this amazing offering. For 3 hours we will have a sharing circle where you an learn about other people which fosters connections and is super important especially right now, you will journal with prompts to set goals and let go of some shit that no longer serves you, and so much more.
What do you receive right away when you claim your spot?
+ 4 retreat ready tips to set you up for success
+ A printable PDF for the retreat
+ A guided meditation straight to your inbox to practice and to keep
+ Journal prompts to go deeper before the retreat
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. I can't wait to connect virtual in a couple Sunday's from now.
Holistically Humble,