Oooooooh meditation. I love talking about meditating, specifically the benefits. Why? Because not only are they scientific based benefits, but I have personally experienced several of the amazing benefits of a daily meditation practice.
What Are Some of the Benefits of Meditation?
Reduces Stress
Lessens Anxiety
Enhances Self Awareness
Lengthens Attention Span
Help Manage Pain
Improves Sleep
Different Types of Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation
Guided Meditation
Transindental Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation
Mantra Meditation
(and so many more, but you get the idea...)
If you have wanted to try meditation or have a more consistent meditation practice then you are in luck! I am offering a 14 Day Meditation Challenge on my Youtube Channel and I will be posting the videos to this blog everyday starting June 1st, 2020. I really hope you join me, but if you don't read this before June 1st, you can start it at anytime! I highly suggest you do the 14 days in a row so that you can begin to feel the many benefits that meditation has to offer. BUT, if you can't do the 14 days in a row then just doing a guided meditation here and there is a great start!
Thanks for being here and reading this post, I appreciate you!
Holistically Humble,
Katie xoxo